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Di Bianco

Di Bianco™ only uses True Grain leather which is the highest grade of leather that requires no alterations.  Shoe skins come from France, are chosen from the highest quality lots are tanned using the chrome tanning technique which results in softer and suppler leather that is more durable than vegetable tanned leather. One of the most distinguishing attributes of Di Bianco™ shoes is the way they finish their shoes.   Their shoemakers use the finest polishes and colorants available and a hand polishing process. Di Bianco™ even hand polishes black calfskin. The burnishing of Di Bianco™ shoes is a very long and intensive process that often requires the use of numerous colors in combination to attain the final color. Di Bianco™ even employs champagne to enhance the burnishing effect. Several colors offered are “Based on Black” whereby the shoe begins as black calfskin but through the removal of some of the pigmentation and the hand application of additional colors the end result is a smoky multi-layered finish.  For gentlemen who want to experience one of the finest pair of shoes available, stop by Franco's to try on a pair today - or shop selected styles available online.